
Standard Reporting

With over 200 standard reports many of which can run in multiple ways, the reporting structure within QX is comprehensive. With reporting broken down into the business categories such as Sales, Finance and Purchasing, navigation is easy to achieve. Options to create favourite reports speeds up access for those used on a regular basis.

Nominal Ledger Report Generator

On top of the standard Trial Balance, Balance sheet and P&L reporting, QX has a build in Nominal Ledger Report Generator. This allows you to create the report how you wish them to be seen.

Business Intelligence Module

Business Intelligence is about taking a cube of data and cutting it in many different ways. Many reporting tools have vertical structures allowing you to drill down to the detail but within QX you are not limited to vertical views but horizontal too, all with the ability to turn to graphics and create favourites. As well as cubes of information, set up desktop Key Performance Indicators to highlight the areas in Sales that need to be monitored.

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